The Truth Needs Persistence

1 min readJan 29, 2020

Holding the truth in our hands is not easy. Even it has ever come to us, people’s faith is just like the cloud in the sky, it changes as wind comes.

Why people’s heart is that fickle?

Because most people like the things easily got and have no patience to bear so long when seeing the other people laugh out of temporal gain.But this is not how truth can be gained. The truth only comes to us when we feel it, not just know it. And the path of feeling the truth isn’t an easy work. Sweat and tears always accompany it when holding the principal of the truth.

Though the path to truth isn’t easy, the reward it gives is immeasurable. Our purpose of the life will be answered. Walking to the end with an unwavering heart, all will be different both worldly and spiritually in the end. The night before the dawn is always the coldest, but don’t lose the faith. You know the sun is coming.

Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash

